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Maxine Waters Wanted Trump Impeached For Her Birthday… What she got will shock you!

Happy Birthday!
During an interview on MSNBC on Sunday, Rep. Maxine Waters' (D-Cal.) was asked by guest host Jonathan Capehart, if she could be granted one birthday wish, what would that be.
“I guess now my biggest birthday wish would be that we’re able to get a leader of this country who represents us — who has the respect of all of our allies, all over the world."
Waters said without skipping a beat.
“Someone who has an appreciation for the Constitution. Someone that does not lie every morning when they get up with these tweets.”
“… who instead of dividing us would take leadership …”
She then went on to say,
“And if he’s not impeached, if he cannot be impeached, 2020 is coming up and I believe that American people are going to do the right thing for our country— Stand up for what is right and get rid of this man who is embarrassing us all.”

With her 80th birthday having been yesterday (15th of August, 2018), it appears that she hasn’t gotten her gift… She did, however, get quite the consolation prize.

On Wednesday, President Trump took to Twitter to wish a civil (and a tad sarcastic) happy birthday to the California Rep. and "leader of the Democrat Party."

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