After formerly famous American actress and pro-abortion activist,
Alyssa Milano has called for women to go on a sex strike in response to a recent
pro-life legislation.
Our reproductive rights are being erased.— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) 11 May 2019
Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy.
JOIN ME by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back.
I’m calling for a #SexStrike. Pass it on.
The part that seems to have gone over her head was, not only
have conservatives been recommending abstinence as the only way to prevent
unwanted pregnancies with 100% surety, but just the act of being able to go on
a sex strike proves that women already have bodily autonomy over their own
body. Her strike is a pro-life win. That’s not how you’re supposed to strike…
That’s how you strikeout.

“[W]omen have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy.” —Alyssa Milano
The ironic part is that the same women who falsely claim
that pro-life conservatives are trying to tell women what to do with their
body are telling women what to do with their body… But, I guess that’s what it
means to be progressive to a “woke” leftist.
It also indirectly confirms the fact that when men and women
engage in casual sex, the man has more to benefit because he doesn’t carry the
same risk as the woman does.
She went on to say in a subsequent tweet:
We can LOVE sex and fight for our bodily autonomy. There are lots of alternatives to cis men.— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) 11 May 2019
Protect your vaginas, ladies. Men in positions of power are trying to legislate them. #SexStrike
"We can LOVE sex and fight for our bodily autonomy.
There are lots of alternatives to cis men. Protect your vaginas, ladies. Men in
positions of power are trying to legislate them.”
If you’re a biological woman trying to start a family, there
aren’t many alternatives to cis men…
And contrary to their beliefs nobody wants to legislate them.
They want to protect the unborn, innocent human lives who can’t yet defend themselves.
If more abstinent leftist means fewer children being killed, I
say, #LetThemStrike!
Thank you, @Alyssa_Milano!— Shaquille Moore (@ShaquilleGMoore) 12 May 2019
For showing women across the country that the best way to have a #PlannedParenthood, isn't @PPFA and #abortion, but #abstinence.
Of course, because leftist can’t be stupid on their own,
other “feminists” joined in agreement.
The 73-year-old, Bette Midler…
I hope the #womenofGeorgia stop having sex with men until these indignities are overturned.— Bette Midler (@BetteMidler) 11 May 2019
Editor-in-Chief of, Maureen Shaw.
Our feminist foremothers fought for sexual liberation, which goes hand in hand with bodily autonomy. It’s up to us to protect it. Desperate times call for desperate measures. 🤷🏻♀️ #SexStrike— Maureen Shaw (@MaureenShaw) 11 May 2019
PoliticsUSA columnist, Sarah Reese Jones.
Hey everyone upset about Alyssa Milano's #sexstrike: Thanks for helping this trend, that was the point, b/c women's lives are in danger.— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) 11 May 2019
P.S. It's not @Alyssa_Milano's fault our culture is patriarchal; she doesn't own that just b/c she's acknowledging it.
Luckily, where there's stupid, intelligent raises up to
face it.
Fox News Contributor,
Lisa Booth, who said a lot without words.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣— Lisa Boothe (@LisaMarieBoothe) 12 May 2019
The host of 'Red, White, and F You', Mindy Robinson, corrected
them on their improper terminology.
Abortion isn’t a “reproductive right.” You do not have the “right” to kill another human being just because it’s dependent on you.— Mindy Robinson 🇺🇸 (@iheartmindy) 12 May 2019
Also, if you stop having sex you won’t get pregnant anyway....that how it works if no one has told you yet.
Blaze TV’s Allie Beth Stuckey.
First time I’ve ever seen a pro-choicer advocate for personal responsibility. Kudos! If y’all have a rally LMK I’ll be there— Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) 11 May 2019
Founder of 'Live Action', Lila Rose.
I’m totally with you, @Alyssa_Milano, on not having sex. But the issue isn’t “reproductive rights.” The issue is reproductive responsibilities & fidelity. No one should have sex until they’re ready to embrace the privilege & responsibility of lifelong commitment & raising a child— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) 11 May 2019
And my personal favourite, by singer and guitarist of As We
Ascend and former lead guitarist for We as Human, Justin
Ya, it’s called “Waiting for marriage” but you can call it a strike if you want...— Justin Forshaw (@Justin_Forshaw) 13 May 2019
This is not the first time that a leftist suggested using
sex a bargaining chip.
Singer and Hidden Figures actress, Janelle Monáe, who
spoke at the Women’s March on Washington in January 2017, was featured as part
of Marie Claire's "Fresh Face" issue posted
on April 10th, 2017, in which she said,
“People have to start respecting the vagina. Until every man is fighting for our rights, we should consider stopping having sex.”
I don’t what rights she wants men to fight for that they don’t
already have. I guess that’s why they never had to stop…
She later back peddled, tweeting:
Sometimes you give interviews right after the "leader of the free world" has a meeting to discuss women's issues with a room full of men...— Janelle Monáe, Cindi (@JanelleMonae) 10 April 2017
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