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Chris Matthews: The Democratic Party ‘Too Pure’

“These guys set too high a standard for public office.”

Chris Matthews, the host of MSNBC’s “Hardball” commented last week in light of Senator Al Franken’s (D-MN) resignation announcement. Franken, 66, announced on Thursday (7th December 2017) that due to the several sexual misconduct allegations against him he will be resigning in the coming weeks.

He told his guests,
"I don’t know how you can avoid the education in this. The worst you can say about Democrats is they’re too pure. And that’s a stupid thing to say. But that’s the worst thing you can say about them. These guys set too high a standard for public office. How’s that for an argument? My opponents, the party of my opposition, they set too high a standard."
You’re right Chris, saying that the resignation of Minnesota Senator Al Franken amid fallout from his sexual harassment accusations provides unavoidable “education” that Democrats “set too high a standard for public office”, that’s a stupid thing to say… [Word of advice, you probably don't want to mention being 'pure' when talking about the party that held such close ties to the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).]


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