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Theybies?: They be crazy!

You might be asking yourself, "The hell are 'theybies'?!".
Whether you’re a man or a woman has always been based in accordance with one's chromosomes. But, in the era of the unscientific “gender-identity”, whereby one can choose their gender regardless of their chromosomes, parents are trying to dispute what was once a well-known and universally accepted truth and still is, if you ask any rational scientist. Of course, I mean the biology/chemistry type of scientist, not a social scientist.
The decision to disregard science is now being given to babies, by parents who are raising them as gender-neutral and the child will decide their own gender when it gets older.

“How old?” you might ask. According to Cathy Areu, founding publisher of Catalina Magazine, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, "[A]round 4 years old." Going on to explain that,
"[A]round 0 - 4, we're not going to say to a little female girl that you're a little princess or boy you're such a tiger. The labels are gone. You're not going to put that outside influence on a child. You're just going to be neutral. Everything's going to be neutral. Everything's going to be equal."

Parents who adopt this idea says that it is meant to shield children from "harmful" "gender stereotypes". The children are able to dress how they feel and play with gender-neutral toys. All of which I have no problem with, but they are also encouraged to ask to be referred to with gender-neutral pronouns like, "they", "them", "their", "it" and whichever new ones get created.

NBC ran an article focusing on Julia and Nate Sharpe. Parents who raise their children, Kadyn and Zyler Sharpe, as theybies. Keeping their biological sex hidden from friends and relatives, and even from Kadyn and Zyler themselves. Lise Eliot, professor of neuroscience at the Chicago Medical School and author of “Pink Brain, Blue Brain”, said in an email to NBC,
“Once your child meets the outer world, which may be day care, or preschool, or grandparents — it's pretty much impossible to maintain a gender-free state,”
“And depending on how conventional your community is, you could be setting your child up for bullying or exclusion.”
In response, the article states,
Parents like the Sharpes understand these realities — but they’re determined to shield their children from them for as long as possible.”
Which is clearly a lie, because if truly wanted to shield their children for as long as possible, they wouldn’t do it. That would shield them forever.

It makes you wonder, if you haven’t taught your child what's a "boy" or "girl", when they choose at the age of four, would it even mean anything?
It would be like telling them to choose an internet provider without them knowing what plans each offer… Or what the internet is.

Ari Dennis, a 30 year old non-binary trans person who lives with 2 other adults, one she's married to and the other is her romantic partner, all of whom identify as transgender, live with hazel, her eight-year-old girl, and sparrow, her one-year-old, (who in an interview she let slip was a boy,) both of whom are being brought up gender-neutral.
That introduction which raises many questions. Like, “How can you be non-binary and trans?” and “WTF?”.

In her interview with ‘Good Morning Britain’, Ari said, "Someone can identify as a boy and, you know, like any color, any toy, sports, dance, pink, blue, whatever. And same with identifying as a girl or non-binary people's interests or hobbies or preferences don't dictate what their gender is."
And she's partially correct. A boy can like any color, any toy, sports, dance, pink, blue or whatever. Same with a girl. Interests, hobbies or preferences don't dictate what their gender is.
Chromosomes dictate what their gender is. Biology and science dictate what their gender is. Not a 4-year-old child who knows nothing about the world, gender or what chromosomes are and their effects.
Think about yourself at 4. Were you ready to make any life decisions? Could you even make yourself a sandwich?
But according to Ari, that line of reasoning is "childism", "Which is assuming that someone has to be a legal adult to have the capacity to know themselves." Going on to describe "childism" as, "[T]he normalization of the mistreatment of children just because they're young. Assuming that they can't have opinions or ideas."
Nobody’s saying that 4-year-old children can’t have opinions or ideas. Just that at that young of an age, their opinions and ideas are either impossible, impractical or just stupid.
Wanting clarification, Piers Morgan asked if giving them a name would be considered childism. Ari responded with, "Not giving them but forcing them to use them regardless of what the child wanted."
Piers Morgan: So if a three-year-old child decides, I'm no longer a boy or girl, I'm no longer to be called Bob I want to be called Doris, whatever it may be. The three-year-old child decides to do that and I object and say no, your name is Bob, not Doris and you're a boy, not a girl, at three, then I'm guilty of child-ism?
Ari: Potentially, yes.
A response that left both Piers Morgan and me utterly speechless.
Firstly, if racism is discrimination based on one's race and sexism is discrimination based on one's sex, then the term childism makes no sense... At most it's ageism.

In an interview with 10News WTSP (because crazy gets views apparently), she boasted about that fact that after discovering her own gender identity and teaching it to her kids, that they moved from using 'they' and 'them' pronouns sometimes, to using them all the time.
The fact that her kids would mimic her behavior and use the words they were taught, somehow came as a shock she was all too delighted to receive.
Ari said that her child, at 4, "They heard this term [demi-girl] and immediately it clicked for them." Adding, "The way they started describing it as this little kid, was like, I'm kind of a girl and I'm kind of a person."
I can only hope that when her daughter is older and out of the grasp of her crazy guardians, she'll realize that she's 100% a girl and 100% a person.

The stupid thing is, I don't think they know that "baby" isn't a gendered term. Babies can be male to female, so, the term 'theybies' is as stupid as it is unnecessary.

You might think it’s just the select few crazies who believe that you should get a babies' consent before changing their diaper, but sadly the concept is gaining ground fast thanks to celebrities like P!nk have made it known that they are raising their children gender-neutral and media outlets like NBC & MSNBC, which promoted the hip new trend.

If we let things get out of hand, pretty soon it will be considered “child abuse” to call your own child by their given name or biological gender.
But these parents who are running psychological experiments on their children get off scot-free. In fact, they get praise from the media for how woke and progressive they are.
Imagine being a child growing up under those circumstances...

Children aren’t old enough to know how these decisions will affect their lives, so, contrary to what their parents believe, they need people to speak for them. To keep them safe, mentally.

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