News, my opinion and whatever else I feel like...

Alabama Passes Bill to Chemical Castrate Child Sex Offenders (as condition of parole)

Bill HB 379, which was introduced by Republican state Representative Steve Hurst, R-Calhoun County requires child sex offenders over the age of 21 whose case involves anyone under the age of 13 to undergo chemical castration (which uses drugs to suppress someone's...

#DrPizzaGate 👨⚕🍕: FBI Charged Tech Reporter Peter Bright with Attempting To Solicit Child Sex Online

Former 'Ars Technica' Technology Editor Peter Bright Peter Bright, 38, a reporter and Technology Editor for Ars Technica (who’s since been fired) has been arrested and charged with attempting to solicit sex minors online. According to a federal complaint...

Alyssa Milano Calls For #SexStrike: Conservatives Fully Agree

After formerly famous American actress and pro-abortion activist, Alyssa Milano has called for women to go on a sex strike in response to a recent pro-life legislation. Our reproductive rights are being erased. Until women have legal control over our own bodies we...

Democrats Seemingly Can’t (Or Won’t) Say “Christians”: #EasterWorshippers

After Obama and Hillary tweeted about “Easter worshipper”, The attacks on tourists and Easter worshippers in Sri Lanka are an attack on humanity. On a day devoted to love, redemption, and renewal, we pray for the victims and stand with the people of Sri Lanka. — Barack...

The Best QR Code Reader and Generator App (2019) - For Android

QR codes, a type of two-dimensional barcode (or matrix barcode) designed in 1994 and now widely used everywhere. From ads to websites to promotional material, QR codes are commonplace. To decrypt a QR code you need a QR code reader/scanner. My go-to scanner was the one built...

Theybies?: They be crazy!

You might be asking yourself, "The hell are 'theybies'?!". Whether you’re a man or a woman has always been based in accordance with one's chromosomes. But, in the era of the unscientific “gender-identity”, whereby one can choose their gender regardless of their chromosomes,...

Conservative suffers “Hate Crime” at University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley conservative being attacked because of prejudice towards his political views. Right on the heels of Jussie Smollett’s alleged hate crime which grew faker and faker with each passing day, a conservative student got violently assaulted on UC Berkeley’s campus...

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Alabama Passes Bill to Chemical Castrate Child Sex Offenders (as condition of parole)

Bill HB 379 , which was introduced by Republican state Representative Steve Hurst, R-Calhoun County requires child sex offenders over...

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