News, my opinion and whatever else I feel like...

Democrats Seemingly Can’t (Or Won’t) Say “Christians”: #EasterWorshippers

After Obama and Hillary tweeted about “Easter worshipper”,

many people were wondering the same thing that as Newt Gingrich:

But they were far from the only ones who used the term “Easter worshipper” or something else to seemly avoid calling them Christian.


The Best QR Code Reader and Generator App (2019) - For Android

QR codes, a type of two-dimensional barcode (or matrix barcode) designed in 1994 and now widely used everywhere. From ads to websites to promotional material, QR codes are commonplace. To decrypt a QR code you need a QR code reader/scanner.
My go-to scanner was the one built into the Samsung internet browser lazily called "Samsung Internet". However, since their latest update, the QR code reader was removed and is now only accessible through "Bixby Vision" in the camera. Like most, I hate Bixby and I don’t see why they’re still trying to make it happen.

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Alabama Passes Bill to Chemical Castrate Child Sex Offenders (as condition of parole)

Bill HB 379 , which was introduced by Republican state Representative Steve Hurst, R-Calhoun County requires child sex offenders over...

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