News, my opinion and whatever else I feel like...

Google In A Corner

If you to go solely on the media’s coverage of the memo you’d be thinking that it must be pretty bad. CNN, for example, made the claim that the memo said women are biologically unfit for the tech industry. From her piece on fortune, Susan Wojcicki said: "For instance, what...

Google On The Left

In the ten (10) page so-called ‘Google “anti-diversity” Manifesto’ penned and shared as an internal memo by a senior engineer at Google, James Damour, officially titled “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber- How bias clouds our thinking about diversity and inclusion”.James lists several discriminatory practices he says Google is guilty...

Stop Lying! The Truth About The Google Memo

It’s being called the ‘Google “anti-diversity” Manifesto’. A ten (10) page document penned and shared as an internal memo by a senior engineer at Google, James Damour, officially titled “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber- How bias clouds our thinking about...


The reason mainstream media has failed isn't a mystery.There has been a slow, repeated and unacknowledged series of disappointments that have led us to now… Once serious news sources are now indistinguishable from ‘tabloid journalist’ who cover topics like Bigfoot, U.F.O.s and Elvis sightings. Reporting on the personal lives of celebrities and sports...

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Alabama Passes Bill to Chemical Castrate Child Sex Offenders (as condition of parole)

Bill HB 379 , which was introduced by Republican state Representative Steve Hurst, R-Calhoun County requires child sex offenders over...

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